Nick Belkin - Some(what) Grand Challenges for Information Retrieval
Rutgers University, US
Bettina Berendt - You are a document too: Web mining and IR for next-generation information literacy
K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Amit Singhal - Web Search: Challenges and Directions
Google, US
Nick Belkin Rutgers University, US |
Some(what) Grand Challenges for Information Retrieval
Although we see the positive results of information retrieval research embodied throughout the Internet, on our computer desktops, and in many other aspects of daily life, at the same time we notice that people still have a wide variety of difficulties in finding information that is useful in resolving their problematic situations. This suggests that there still remain substantial challenges for research in IR. Already in 1988, on the occasion of receiving the ACM SIGIR Gerard Salton Award, Karen Spärck Jones suggested that substantial progress in information retrieval was likely only to come through addressing issues associated with users (actual or potential) of IR systems, rather than continuing IR research's almost exclusive focus on document representation and matching and ranking techniques. In recent years it appears that her message has begun to be heard, yet we still have relatively few substantive results that respond to it. In this talk, I identify a few challenges for IR research which fall within the scope of association with users, and which I believe, if properly addressed, are likely to lead to substantial increases in the usefulness, usability and pleasurability of information retrieval. Biography
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Bettina Berendt K.U. Leuven, Belgium |
You are a document too: Web mining and IR for next-generation information literacy
Information retrieval and data mining often assume a simple world: There are people with information needs who search - and find - information in sources such as documents or databases. Hence, the user-oriented goals are (a) information literacy: the users' ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information, and In this talk, I will argue that such simple-world assumptions are no longer justified, advocate a shift in focus, and outline concrete steps for using technology to further a more comprehensive form of information literacy. I will focus on data, documents, and information-related activities on the Web, which are analysed in Web mining and (Web) IR:
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Amit Singhal Google, US |
Web Search: Challenges and Directions
These are exciting times for the field of Web search. Search engines are used by millions of people every day, and the number is growing rapidly. This growth poses unique challenges for search engines: they need to operate at unprecedented scales while satisfying an incredible diversity of information needs. Furthermore, user expectations have expanded considerably, moving from "give me what I said" to "give me what I want". Finally, with the lure of billions of dollars of commerce guided by search engines, we have entered a new world of "Adversarial Information Retrieval". This talk will show that the world of algorithm and system design for commercial search engines can be described by two of Murphy's Laws: a) If anything can go wrong, it will; and b) Even if nothing can go wrong, it will anyway. Biography |